Friday, November 26, 2010

Just one time every two hundred years

This year, we celebrated the bicentenary of our country, or we think we do, because is very well-known that the proclamation of Independence was on 1818, not 1810 when a group of aristocrat criollos get reunited because of the imprisonment of their King by Napoleon (Fernando VII was captured while Napoleon invade Spain), to swear loyalty to the King and reject the power of Napoleon. So, we celebrate a day that was so far to be a patriotic event, but it doesn’t matter, we can’t avoid that. I think we can take advantage of this illusion and propose new directions and at the same time put in the public discussion, stuffs that we can improve.
First of all, I’d like to say that almost the entire state celebration was very poor, the government didn’t took any advantage of the opportunity, they just make a non-reflexive show that looks very cool and fresh for cameras and tourists, but where was the concern about the conservation of our patrimony? About the improvement of public services? Or even worst, where was the discussion of our civil rights and liberties? Well, the answer is very clear; all this subjects were just rejected because of the major difficulty that they represent in front of the “cultural parties” that the “Concertacion” gave us for the last ten years and obviously the concern of the current government to not discuss anything.
I thought that Bicentenary was the opportunity to re-think our country with all its problems and advantages, to create the instances of development our democracy, to be ACTUALLY democratic not just in the law, but in our relationships with the State, with Parliament, etc. I think that people who think that are majority, or well I want to think that, but I’m sure that if people know the profits to discuss about our politic system, they will be agree with me. Or related to that, we should develop better patrimonial politics, because with the richness in landscapes and architecture in our country is undeniable. So, in order to get things better, we should be more participative, more active like politics subjects that we are (like it or not, we are like that, and nothing can change that).
Juts to finish; I’m really convinced that all this money and excitement could have been focused on the actual improvement of our country, I’m not a patriotic subject but I’d like to improve the conditions where my people is obligated to live, work, eat, have children, etc. And this year I didn’t see anything IMPORTANT by the bicentenary, I didn’t see politics concerned about my country, but I see politics who put their faces every time they could in the tv screen I just see so many people who drink alcohol but never stop to see their past or thought about their own future, in the end, a national day like that is anything but patriotic, is just foolish (people who see themselves been abused or destructed).

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