Friday, August 13, 2010

Education in Chile

Hi everyone,
Perhaps doing a new blog was something weird, but i have to do it!
So, i will begin this brand new blog with a post about education in Chile.
When we talk about education EVERYONE said that Chile has an awful educational system, we can be agree with that, but when the time of action comes, no one say anything, but is pretty normal, common people isn't a education expert, we suppose that they know how to improve our education and we support them with our complaints.
Actually, I think that we CAN do something, maybe not from the side of the experts, but we can make an effort to start the discussion in common people, i think that is very important to make people realize about the magnitude of the problem. Parents and students should be realized about the current situation that they are passin through, but the real cuestion is...
HOW can we do that?
The answer is (as I see it) simple, we have to create reflexive spaces to open discussion with all the community, this solution is possible with schools and other institutions that give information to the community in a regular way, for example in the parents meetings or the citizen council (i know that in Chile things like this doesn't exist, but community can create it through their Town Council, that's the objetctive of democracy).
We have to deal with the problem as a society, this is not a discussion for a few people, for "experts" and politicians, this is a problem that attack everyone who decide to educate their children in a school located in Chile.
Well, i think that this is a very simple idea of the problem, but i really believe that discussion make our society better, and that's all.
Good bye everyone.


  1. Everyone we are political person because we take decision all the time. don´t exist really power places, but, persons conscious of his power.

  2. Hi Diego
    I think you’re right; there are no places where the common citizen can meet and talk about what is happening in education. Such touchy subject needs more attention from us. Although it’s very hard thing to do, in the first place we would need that the business men stop trying of make business of ours education, and bring people with a real concern to manage the educational system.

  3. The problem, Diego, is that the people have not tools for reflect in Chile. They art not spaces for leave out of your situation.

  4. Hi Diego,
    I agree with you, education in Chile isn't going to change if we only talk about it, we have to DO something, but it's complicated. As you said, I think that the best is a place where the common people could discuss this kind of matters, because there's nothing like that in Chile, and we need that. Experts haven't the power than the ordinary people can have when they're joined, so the people itself should know it and manage their own power as a crowd.
    Hope it would be like that someday.
    See you, Diego.
